Frequently Asked Questions
Where and when is the festival?
Primavera Digitale is in Florence, Italy from March 31st - April 6th, 2025.
What’s happening at the festival?
Exhibitions, workshops, classes, museum & gallery visits, winery tours, group dinners, rooftop socials, night club parties and more. The final calendar of events will be released before the festival starts, and in your registration packet when you check in at the festival.
How much do festival tickets cost?
Every event at the festival is free for attendees who register in advance. Click here to register.
Where should I stay?
We’ve partnered with The Social Hub Florence to provide a discount for festival attendees. After you register we’ll include details in your confirmation email for 20% off your hotel stay. Click here to register.
I’m interesting in becoming a festival partner or sponsor.
Visit our Partners section to learn more.
I’m a member of the press.
Email to discuss festival assets and in-person coverage.
I’ve got more questions.
Email and we’ll be glad to help.